I have practiced working with chronic pain for many years, using my mindfulness meditation practice as an aid. However, nothing prepared me for the experience the acute pain I recently endured.
I tried to relax around the pain, experience the physical pain directly without adding thoughts about it that lead to suffering, etc. – all the things that I tell my therapy clients and mindfulness meditation students. However, while in the throes of the most intense and excruciating moments of the pain, it was almost impossible to remember to breathe and relax. The following tips are intended as a reminder for myself , and an offer to others, when experiencing acute physical pain:
• Breathe and visualize creating space around the pain. Imagine soothing water or an elixir bathing the area in love and light.
• Listen to soothing music. Music can be so healing. Allow yourself to enjoy its beauty.
• Have someone rub your back, hold your hand, simply be a caring presence. It is so easy to isolate ourselves when we are in pain of any kind. Remember to reach out for support.
• Take a bubble bath, get a massage. Be kind to yourself.
• Listen to the song of a single bird. Notice the beauty of a single flower. Focusing on one thing helps calm the swirling emotions that accompany pain.
• Banish negative self-talk. This pain is not your fault or bad karma!
• Know that everyone experiences pain, and use this opportunity to develop compassion for yourself and others.
Of course, follow your doctor’s advice. When you are experiencing unusual pain, it is important to speak with your health care providers. Emotional and spiritual care are complements to physical care. As I have learned, pain is global – physical, emotional, social and spiritual. It is therefore important to support ourselves in all of these domains when experiencing physical pain.