I connect via pixels on the computer screen,
And disembodied voices on the phone,
Pinging from cell tower to cell tower.
I miss warm hugs with family and friends.
Virtual hugs just aren’t the same
As a good bear hug.
I yearn to reach through the screen and touch those pixels,
Hoping they will transform into
A body I can touch, a hand I can hold.
And, then there’s the warning that pops up on my screen:
“Your internet connection is unstable.”
No, I want to say. It’s being disconnected that’s unstable.
Yet, I do have my body.
The ground under my feet.
A warm purring cat at my side.
I remember to breathe, to feel,
And connect to what is real.
Right now in this very moment.
© 2020 Beth S. Patterson. All Rights Reserved.